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BlogNewsOffering Hybrid Payment Model

Offering Hybrid Payment Model

$100 dollar bill cut into puzzle pieces - Tyme Global Direct

We’re pleased to announce that we now offer a hybrid payment model that will limit our clients’ risk and increase efficiency.

Typically, companies pay per labor hour when outsourcing their contact center, helpdesk, customer service, sales, or business process functions. However, this means that companies incur all the risk without knowing whether results will be satisfactory.

Minimal Labor Cost

When you take advantage of our unique hybrid payment model, you’ll be able to limit your risk by paying a minimal labor cost plus a minimal bonus for every conversion or sale. This will ensure true efficiency from the very start, defining our authentic partnership and common goals.

Reduced Risk, Greater Efficiency

Overall, a hybrid payment model can provide significant benefits to businesses including reduced risk, funding flexibility, and greater efficiency, which is why Tyme Global Direct is pleased to offer it to our current and future clients.

Get ROI with a Hybrid Payment Model from Tyme Global Direct

With over 30 years of providing call center support to companies in a wide range of industries, we guarantee our clients a reliable, trustworthy, and efficient partnership for all your outsourced functions. Contact Tyme Global Direct and let us provide the outstanding call center experience you need.

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