
Contact center offerings combining telecom, carrier service, DID management, and multiple labor sources that best fit your needs and those of your customers/prospects.

Contact center operator - Tyme Global Direct
Pages quick element - Tyme Global Direct

Our "secret sauce" is the combination of effective and qualified labor with the best telecom solution, flexible dialing platform, and data reporting that fits your specific needs.

Tyme Global Direct is unique in its ability to combine leading edge telecom, carrier service, DID management, and multiple labor sources that best fit your needs and those of your customers/prospects. 

Our services—from inbound, outbound, sales, and service to chat, email, and work within a blended environment—fully utilize our expertise as well as that of our clients, allowing for full transparency. We’re data driven, but also understand the dynamics of managing our reps and the multiple communications they have in any given day, allowing for the needed flexibility that drives the right habits and job satisfaction.

Welcome to Tyme Global Direct! We're here to help you grow, manage, and solve your contact center needs​.

Tyme Global Direct is a leading-edge outsourcing and processing company specializing in, but not limited to, lead-generation companies that are preeminent in growth, quality, and consumer experience. We combine platform technologies, CRM solutions, wholesale telecom carriers, and digital tools with our vast experience in contact center operations and consumer relationships to deliver agreed-upon goals. 

Call center operator - Tyme Global Direct

We focus on data science and analytics to find the value for each consumer contact and each KPI and success metric while ensuring optimal process implementation.

We value your ROI and are both your short-term and long-term solution for growth, quality, and innovation.


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Sufficient Impact

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Synced with CRM

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Start building the products your customers want

Spend less time writing a plan and more time building your business. We help you with the tools you need.

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Web Design

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Hath creeping waters stars sixth divided seasons.

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Lead Generation for Social Media and Viral Marketing

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What people say about us

Though wished merits or be. Alone visit use these smart rooms ham

Mike Taylor

Marketing Manager

Offended no concerns. Supply worthy warmth branch of no ye.

Chris Harsh

Marketing Manager

Voice tried known to as my to.

Angela Taylor

Marketing Manager
Logo of Treva - Tyme Global Direct
Logo of Earth 2.0 - Tyme Global Direct
Logo of CodeLab - Tyme Global Direct
Logo of Circle - Tyme Global Direct
Logo of Velocity 9 - Tyme Global Direct

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